6 Brilliant Horror Films to Watch this Halloween


Enjoy another list of exceptional horror films perfect for this Halloween season.

woman shouting in the middle of the forest in Climax movie

Image via: Climax (2018)

It’s that time of year when all the films with strange atmospheres, mysterious happens, and dark narratives are allowed back into society. The best type of horror film tells a good story while making you feel a sense of unease, dread, or terror — you know, bad feelings! Why do we enjoy doing this to ourselves? Who really knows, but something about it does make me feel like a kid again. I get excited when I see hybrid and subgenre that are incorporating horror, thriller, and suspense elements.

As I mentioned in last year’s Halloween film list, discovering foreign directors, like Haneke or Von Trier, really fleshed out the horror/thriller film category for me. And let’s be honest, they’re art film directors, so they create introspective films with a side of horror. I think it’s brilliant. Or even one of our own auteurs, like David Lynch, who creates such unique atmospheres with his own brand of strangeness and mystery. These filmmakers, whether we like it or not, make us feel something. Which, doesn’t always go well for the director…

In most cases, these types of directors don’t gain esteem for their films without some backlash. Although some of their, at times, overtly intense content gets them negative responses, it doesn’t seem without reason. Their films are thoughtful and appear to carry a lot of meaning to their creators. I dig that and find it especially cool because of the type of genres they’re adding to.

I feel much of the same about the films on today’s list. I took time thumbing through the different films I’ve seen over the years to curate a list of must-see horrors for film lovers. If some of these have been on your watch-later list, this is your green light to go ahead and watch it. You won’t be disappointed.

6 Horror Films to Watch this Halloween:

  1. Raw

  2. St. Maud

  3. The Wailing

  4. Climax

  5. The Killing of a Sacred Deer

  6. Mother!


  1. Raw (2016)

French filmmaker Julia Ducournau’s film Raw is a fascinating coming-of-age horror about a 16-year-old vegetarian who goes off to veterinarian school. While there, she tries raw meat for the first time and unleashes a new side of herself. It explores questions of repression, identity, and sexuality — but with lots of blood. I won’t lie, I winced quite a bit through this movie.

I’ve noticed that most films in the body horror genre tend to be quite polarizing for people. They’re freaky. But at the very least, viewers’ interpretations and descriptions of the film have created interesting dialogue (this is what great movies do!). If you do enjoy the film, then take the time to look up Ducournau talking about it. Learn where the ideas came from and her intentions.

Go see Julia Ducournau's latest release Titane.


2. St. Maud (2019)

An impressive feature film debut from writer-director Rose Glass, St. Maud is a religious horror film unlike any I’ve seen before. After a traumatic experience, the main character, Maud, has become a devout Catholic who experiences her relationship with God in fantastical ways. Working as a hospice nurse, the film follows Maud as she tries vehemently to save the soul of her latest patient.


3. The Wailing (2016)

The Wailing is a South Korean horror film by writer-director Na Hong-jin. It all begins when something evil descends upon a small, mountain village — may it be the newly arrived stranger in town? As a series of brutal murders start to take place, the townspeople get to talking and telling stories. At the center of the film is Jong-Goo, a police sergeant and family man who tries to get to the bottom of it all. What I love about this film is how it creates this marvelous balance by contrasting gorgeous scenery and humor with evil spirits, zombies, gore, and shamans. It’s a wild ride.


4. Climax (2018)

I once heard someone describe the film Climax as an hour and half long panic attack. And honestly, it’s very much that. The extremist and psychedelic (pun intended) director Gaspar Noé gives his audience a lot to chew on. Technically speaking, this is one of the most stunning films I’ve ever seen, but like his other films, indeed leaves you a bit weary. Taking place all within one (very intense) evening, a group of professional dancers consumes sangria that’s spiked with LSD. What ensues is an interesting depiction of what happens when you strip away morality and leave humanity in its rawest form. Some call it an NR take on Lord of the Flies.

If you are sensitive to light, you should not watch his films*


5. The Killing of a Sacred Dear (2017)

Coming to us from the brilliant Greek filmmaker, Yorgos Lanthimos, you know you’re in for an original piece of cinema. The Killing of a Sacred Dear follows a well-to-do heart surgeon who takes a teen under his wing after his father has died. Unease soon seeps in as morality, revenge, and justice are dissected. It’s one of those films that feels like something awful is around the corner with its monotonous dialogue, clinical pristineness, and eerie camerawork.


6. Mother! (2017)

Director Darren Aronofsky outdid himself with his psychological horror film Mother! The movie follows Jennifer Lawrence as she renovates the house she lives in with her husband, Javier Bardem. Things take a sharp turn when visitors arrive and make themselves comfortable at the couple’s home. Through a slew of spectacular allegories about nature, religion, and humankind, Aronofsky shows once again that his work swims far from the surface.


Looking for more horror film suggestions?

Check out last year’s post:








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FilmJeffrey Riley